
My (Chitra) award-winning poems, book reviews and book forewords, research papers and scholarly articles have appeared in numerous reputed  academic journals, business magazines and anthologies worldwide. My literary creations have also been discussed in the academic  circles and are included in various dissertation projects. Here is a sneak peek of my wide-ranging contributions.

Poets International Golden Treasury of Post Independence Indian English Poetry: Chitra's Poem—Glints of Fortitude

 With the flag of courage
 Always hoisted in the soul,
 It will not let the winds of vagaries
 Play any foul.

 Reel before the blows of fate.
 Stand your ground
                                        Face the sweltering rays, great.

                                        Eventually these rays will fill the holes
                                        Of a tired heart
                                       With glints of fortitude
                                       And up it will spring into action
                                       Throbbing with incessant gumption!
Chitra's Scholarly Foreword for the book, Information and Communication Technology in ELT: Prospects & Perspective 

Advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have made significant impact on all spheres of human life, right from business to education. The use of ICT has grown rapidly over the years, especially in the domain of English Language Teaching (ELT). ICT has become one of the basic building blocks of modern education. In current times of globalization and technology-enhanced learning, understanding ICT, mastering the basic skills and concepts of ICT and increasing the ICT usage have become an integral part of the core of educational models and institutions, alongside reading, writing, analytical skills, comprehension and other competencies. The book,Information and Communication Technology in ELT: Prospects & Perspective, is a comprehensive and well-researched repository of wisdom, aimed at providing practical approaches for integrating the new technologies such as multimedia, distance education delivery and computer-aided learning into the traditional educational models.

The book serves a dual purpose with unique focus on two key aspects. The first is to discuss the introduction of ICT in ELT that is in line with current global trends. The second is to propose holistic and innovative techniques of universal access to education, professional development for teachers, equity in education and delivery of quality learning necessary to implement the dynamics of ICT in ELT successfully. The book will definitely spark new intellectual thoughts and ideas among students, teachers, research scholars, policymakers and anyone else who is interested in research and training on the integration of ICT in ELT. This milestone book goes one step furtherit not only addresses the challenges of the ICT-ELT marriage, but also suggests remedies for overcoming these challenges.

Dr. Ashok K. Saini has been able to put together well-researched, well-argued novel ideas and a wide range of topics into a single reference work. This insightful volume is the bridge between today and the future; it provides an in-depth view into the future of convergence of learning, teaching and technology. Whatever your background and experience, I hope you both enjoy reading the book and benefit from the academic content.

A Posy of Poesy Anthology: Chitra's Poems—The 3 Pillars of Life and Renewed Visions
Richard Watson Gilder An Anthology  in Memoriam: Chitra's Poem—My Inner Sphere

My inner sphere, you are a tool
Of self discoverythe true jewel;
You are the road
To unified consciousness in the inner abode.
I know you are a gift from Him,
Filling me with fervent hope to the brim.
I begin to discover the essence of a new me
As I re-connect with Thee.
Chitra's literary creations as a poet have been discussed in and she also has contributed her academic views to Ms. Sadaf Jamal's dissertation paper, Recent Indian English Women's Poetry: Characteristic Trends

Chitra Lele is a young poet, apart from being a management consultant. Her poetry is rich in imagination and visualization. She finds symbolic significance in objects and events around herself. Though she writes on a plethora of themes, a closer reading makes it evident that human dynamics and universal peace are the dominant ones, "Through blood stained windows, / I see vistas of hope / and peace being shown by the dove;" Her philosophy is that human issues must be resolved through poetry and not through politics or war. She expresses her thoughts and emotions in an easy and compelling style. She mostly writes rhymes, sonnets, haiku and free verse.
Scholarly Article for An Interpretation of the Mind and Art of Stephen Gill
Dr. Gill's descriptive powers are akin to Wordsworth's. The poet staunchly believes that peace is a spiritual quality that can be wielded to crush the atrocities of the warmongers and fanatic power-seekers. The mantric effect in his poetry heightens the supramental experiences and spiritual liberation. His forward-looking mindset spurs one and all to collective action. We all need to take his mindset forward to realize Peace on Earth. He seeks for peace in the world through and within him. He firmly believes in democratic setups that will ultimately lead to the formation of a world government through just and educational means. He is a spokesman of the eternal spirit of oneness.
David Humphreys An Anthology in Memoriam: Chitra's Poem—My Mother, My Archangel

Dear Mother, for me you are my  life's norm
Due to which I am always in form.
You are my shelter—
You prevent me from the helter-skelter,
You are my every morn
Thus I don't feel forlorn.
Mom you are simply superb!
                                              And multiply my joy manifold.
ICT and English Language Teaching:Chitra's Research Paper—Cultural Globalization and Universalization of ELT  through ICT

Introduction to ICT and ELTThe  Dynamic Duo

Advancements  in Information and Communication Technology (ICT from now on) have made  significant impact on all spheres of human life. ICT has facilitated the  interaction of people, and hence of languages and cultures. The use of ICT has  grown rapidly over the years, and especially in the domain of English Language Teaching (ELT from now on). ICT has influenced the educational policies and  philosophy, and classroom practices across the globe. With ICT, the world has  become a global village, where universal access to information has become a  reality. This universal access provides an open learning environment for people  from all walks of life, thereby enriching them not only academically but also culturally. English being the main medium of producing and sharing information on the ICT horizon, it makes it possible for people on all points of the world  compass to build awareness of events, issues and developments in all spheres of  life, right from daily happenings to hi-tech E-Commerce solutions.
William Vaughan Moody An Anthology  in Memoriam: Chitra’s PoemLife and its Mysterious Way

Life and its mysterious way,
Chequered with shadeswhite, black and gray.                           

Each unpleasant event adds to the quotient of annoy, 
But each positive experience adds genuine joy.
On the path, some get stuck; go astray
While the rest simply give up along the way.
There are always diamonds in the mud
                                    And new vistas in every bud.
                                    Under the veil of muck, unravel clarity crisp,
                                    The confusion will disappear wisp by wisp.
                                    We stumble and rise to the occasion yea
                                    And learn to move on with life and its mysterious way.